Online Polish language courses

Online language courses are the most convenient way of learning the Polish language! Not only can you participate in your classes literally from anywhere in the world but also boost your learning curve thanks to state-of-the-art learning methods and materials! Irrespective of whether you’re planning your holidays in Poland or you’d like to launch your professional career here, our language courses will help you in reaching your goals.

The most convenient and efficient way to speak: Polish online courses

Polish language online courses is a perfect blend of passion for teaching foreign languages and the love for modern tech. All you need is within your reach whenever and wherever. Language courses, which are always tailored to your goals and ambitions, will allow for a balanced approach to boosting your speaking, lexical and grammatical skills. All this will be supervised by a team of superbly qualified language professionals. Our methods primarily revolve around blended learning, that is marrying traditional teaching and learning methods with remote learning. This is something appreciated by a plethora of our students.

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Are you on a lookout for a perfect Polish language course? Look no further.

Should you like to learn more about getting your Polish up to speed, do get in touch or leave your contact details. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible with information on how to embark on your fascinating Polish language journey.

Kursy i usługi językowe dla firm.

Kursy języka włoskiego online

What makes our language courses stand out

Dopasowani do osobowości

Language instructors who always match your expectations and… personality!

Here at CHOICES, we all know the importance of chemistry between people. It’s always our key aim to address not only your language needs but also to make sure you’re on the same wavelengths with your teacher. After all, you’ll be working together for some time!

Multimedia materials for learning coupled with the most modern e-books!

Online learning revolves not only around acquiring new language skills in a different environment but predominantly around harnessing the possibilities of the highly interactive and content-rich virtual classroom. Thanks to carefully selected teaching materials, we’re capable of boosting your spoken language skills right from day one.
Zdigitalizowane materiały

Working with the best

Apart from drawing on state-of-the-art teaching methods and working with acknowledged publishers, we invest in software which was designed to take online education to the next level. Always at hand, wherever you are.

Online Polish language classes

Acquire new communicative skills in Polish, understand this unique cultural habitat and broaden your horizons.

All courses at CHOICES closely match your needs. Whether your goal is to pass a language exam, develop your professional career in Poland, or simply have a go at starting your life anew here, we’ve got the right language instruction for you. Our teachers provide professional guidance and assist you in accomplishing your aims. So, what’s your CHOICE?

Individual courses

➔ Ideal for students expecting a rapid boost in their communicative skills
➔ Flexible schedule
➔ The most convenient form of classes
➔ Your teacher focuses solely on you and your needs

Duo courses

➔ Efficient and convenient
➔ Ideal for friends or colleagues
➔ Save up to 50% on course fees
➔ Work on selected language skills

Group courses

➔ Tons of conversation time
➔ Healthy rivalry and opportunity to network
➔ Exchanging language experiences
➔ Increasing specific language skills

Company courses

➔ Develop your employees’ professional skills
➔ Constitute a powerful perk
➔ Create an incentive for your company to develop
➔ Facilitate networking between various branches and departments of a corporate environment

Remote Polish language courses – the best solution for your firm

Are you planning to invest in Poland? Establishing a new branch of your company in this country definitely requires translation services (see here) but being able to utter a few rudimentary Polish phrases will definitely earn you the locals’ trust and respect. But why stop there? CHOICES take a holistic approach to business Polish and are a trusted language services vendor to numerous multinational entities. Not only do we offer a wide spectrum of language services but we allow your dedicated staff to monitor the progress of your employees’ language competences or track the status of your translations. We also take pride in delegating a member of our staff to serve as your key account manager. This ensures a smooth and personalized approach to the services you receive from us. Sounds interesting? Get in touch to learn how we can help you grow!

Online Polish language courses

Advantages of learning Polish online

Poland has been recently classified as a fully-fledged developed economy and constitutes a much sought-after place of investment. Foreign capital is virtually omnipresent thus the demand for Polish language classes has been on a steady increase. Naturally, the language of business communication is no other than the modern lingua franca – English — but wouldn’t you appreciate a foreigner’s effort at mastering your mother tongue? Poles surely do!

Polish is to a great extent a uniform language without much dialectical variation. This fact will definitely put your mind at ease when travelling around this charming country of almost 40 million hospitable citizens.

Did you know that Poland boasts a genuinely unique geographical setting? This country enjoys a generous access to the Baltic sea. Its wide and sandy beaches make it a popular destination not only for Poles, but also Germans, Ukrainians, the Czech and many other! But that’s not all Poland has to offer! Southern part of the country is home to as many as three mountain chains with a plethora of charming towns and villages. Knowing how to pronounce “dziękuję” and “przepraszam” will definitely earn you a smile…. But why stop there?
Szkoła języków obcych

Wherever you are

Online Polish language courses allow you to participate in your personalised language classes from the comfort of your home, your office or even during a business travel. Thanks to this, you will never skip a class without a good reason!

(polish your) Polish online

We understand that life can be pretty much unpredictable and some circumstances might prevent you from participating in your classes. Have no hear, you won’t be missing on anything! All of our Duo and Group classes are recorded so that you can catch up with your learning mates whenever the time’s right.

Szkoła języków obcych
Szkoła języków obcych

Let’s take it easy…

Time and money you save on commuting to a generic language school can be spent in a much more productive way… devote it to your family and friends, hobbies or simply catching up on your Netflix favourites.